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Twenty-one percent of the Gospel accounts for Jesus’ ministry are dedicated to physical healing and casting out spiritual evil in peoples live. This is an amazing percentage considering all the teaching Jesus did. Jesus’ healing are not minor. Rather, they are central to His real purpose in coming. The Gospel, the Good News, is freedom, healing, and release from captivity. Jesus said He is anointed by the Holy Spirit to free people from deep human bondage, blindness, sickness and oppression. The Good News is the kingdom has come in Jesus to set people free. We will explore Jesus’ healing ministry then and now.
Twenty-one percent of the Gospel accounts for Jesus’ ministry are dedicated to physical healing and casting out spiritual evil in peoples live. This is an amazing percentage considering all the teaching Jesus did. Jesus’ healing are not minor. Rather, they are central to His real purpose in coming. The Gospel, the Good News, is freedom, healing, and release from captivity. Jesus said He is anointed by the Holy Spirit to free people from deep human bondage, blindness, sickness and oppression. The Good News is the kingdom has come in Jesus to set people free. We will explore Jesus’ healing ministry then and now.
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