Being a Knight at CCASTA is an opportunity to help make the community a better place and continue the teaching of Christ. 
Whether helping to deliver mulch to raise funds that support the Communities, VBS, or school activities, or helping to collect food to help the Little Sisters of the Poor take care of the elderly, you make a difference.
We understand you’re already so busy you can’t imagine fitting in one more thing. You may have a young family and may consider the Knights as something you’d like to do “when the kids get older.” You could make a difference by joining today.
In our council at CCASTA, we have many men who are balancing a long list of home, school, civic, and church activities. As a member of our council, there is no expectation you’ll make every meeting or help at every event. We are grateful for whatever amount of time you can give.
Being a Knight while your kids are young is a great opportunity to set an example of service that will hopefully remain with them all their lives. Your participation now supports many programs your children participate in today!
Grand Knight-J.D. Parsons