What does the Legion of Mary Do?

CCASTA Legion of Mary serves the parish and the local community in some of the following ways:
  • Holding Prayer Services, Communion Services, and the recitation of the Rosary for residents of a local senior apartment complex.
  • Bringing a Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima to parishioners who would like to hose her in their homes to receive her many blessings.
  • Instructing school children
  • Visiting the sick and shut-ins
  • Encouraging Marian Devotions such as praying the Rosary.
  • Making Door-to-Door visit
Active and Auxiliary Legionaries
The two primary types of Legion membership are active members and auxiliary members.
  • Active members attend a Legion meeting once a week and perform works of service (typically about 2 hours a week).
  • Auxiliary members instead pray the rosary and the prayers of the Legion of Mary (the Tessera) for the intentions of the Blessed Mother and bolster the efforts of the active members through their prayers.
Higher grades of membership include praetorians, who are active members who also pray the Tessera daily, attend Mass daily, and daily recite an Office approved by the Church, and adjutorians, who are auxiliary members who attend Mass daily and daily recite an Office approved by the Church in addition to praying the Rosary and the prayers of the Tesera daily.
Contact to Find Out More
Bernie Taylor