Holy Eucharist
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is an action of thanksgiving to God. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament of love. The Eucharist makes present the one sacrifice of Christ the Savior. Join us at daily Mass to grow deeper in communion with Christ and fellowship with one another.
First Holy Communion
We are excited to be working with the children and families who are registered with the parish in preparing for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion. We will work with the families to help prepare them in receiving God’s greatest love and to encounter Christ.
The preparation program is for children entering second grade or older and who have been in faith formation program at CCASTA or at St Augustine School.
Registration will begin in September and will be sent to families who have been registered in the faith formation program or at St Augustine school. You will receive an email with the link to register.
If your child attended another Catholic school or another parishes faith formation program, please reach out to [email protected] to assist you with the preparation of your child.
Communion at Home
If you are unable to make it to church to attend Mass, and would like to receive Communion at home, please contact
Mary Hoban at 410-242-2292 ext. 301 or [email protected]